
Success stories and Projects update

We will be starting a new blog segment soon, called "Success Stories", where we feature people you've helped and the healthy lives they're currently living, so stay tuned!

We also want to thank everyone who has donated to our newest projects: Vaccinate and Night Shelter. Every donation goes to funding healthcare and saving a life, so thank you for all of your support!



Projects update

Hey everyone!

We're now accepting donations for Project Vaccinate and Night Shelter. Thanks to those who've donated already! Anything helps, even sharing on social media. Happy Holidays!



Instagram and Twitter

Hey everyone,

Our instagram and twitter account are now up! Click on the round buttons on the bottom of any page to connect with us on social media


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Project Vaccinate and Night Shelter

Stay tuned! We will be launching two more projects soon. With your help, we hope to open a night shelter for the poor to protect them during the winter. With these funds we also plan to provide vaccinations to over 100 children. Thanks again to all of our donors and partners!

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Website Launch!

We're so excited to launch the website for IndoRelief! Thank you so much to our donors and partners--without you none of this would have been possible.
