Step One

With the help of our volunteers in Delhi and Faridabad, we spend countless hours talking with Indians who live in the slum, learning about how we can help them. Our medical staff lives close to this community and works with them daily, forming close friendships. Developing trust between our staff and our patients is incredibly important for providing healthcare. Many patients in India are uncomfortable talking openly with doctors and nurses for fear of being judged. However, our patients feel comfortable talking openly and honestly with us, telling us exactly what the issue is so our medical staff can determine the best course of action.

Sant Kumar of IndoRelief with some of the children who live in the slums of Delhi.

Sant Kumar of IndoRelief with some of the children who live in the slums of Delhi.

Step Two

We have partnered with local private hospitals in Faridabad to help the patient get the best possible medical care. Our volunteers accompany the patient to these hospitals for their procedures and follow-up appointments. They take the time to explain how the procedure and medications will help. 


Dr. Pakash, one of our volunteers, visits with Ankush (left) and his mother (middle). Ankush suffered from spina bifida. With the help of our donors, we sponsored a surgery for Ankush and his spine was fixed. 

Dr. Pakash, one of our volunteers, visits with Ankush (left) and his mother (middle). Ankush suffered from spina bifida. With the help of our donors, we sponsored a surgery for Ankush and his spine was fixed. 

Step Three

Continued care: We continue to check in with our patients after they have received their care to see how else we can help them. Because our volunteers in Faridabad can speak Indian dialects, nothing is lost in translation. We encourage them to contact us as well if they need additional support. 

Edi often played in this trash dump in his slum. We spoke with Edi about hygiene after sponsoring antibiotics for his stomach infection.

Edi often played in this trash dump in his slum. We spoke with Edi about hygiene after sponsoring antibiotics for his stomach infection.

Step Four

Donate: All of our staff are volunteers, meaning that all of your donations go directly to patient needs. Except for transaction fees, 100% of your donations goes to funding healthcare. In addition to developing trust with our patients, we also aim to form strong connections with our donors. As a result, we provide exact costs for each patient, as well as provide updates on the patient’s status from beginning to end. Donors also have the option to donate to various project sites we sponsor. These donations help a high volume of patients—our project sites provide primary and directed care for our patients. *Because the health of our patients may change quickly, we may allocate funds to a certain patient. Donors will be notified immediately and progress reports will be sent via email to all donors. From all of our volunteers, partners, and patients we greatly thank you for your support.            

Tax Information: IndoRelief is registered as a public charity and is exempt from United States Federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Donations made in the United States to IndoRelief are deductible under Section 170; we are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522. Our EIN (Tax ID Number) is 47-2442871.

Patients line up to receive free medication from one our volunteer pharmacists. 

Patients line up to receive free medication from one our volunteer pharmacists. 
