The New Beginnings Clinic offers child laborers residence, healthcare, and education through high school.
About 12 percent of children in India ages 5-14 are involved in child labor activities. This is roughly 45 million children. Though child labor is illegal in India, these children work in sweatshops, factories, and in the fields. Families purchase children as servants and maids. Other children are sold to the sex trade. Some children are forced to work up to 18 hours a day, in hazardous conditions. As child laborers, these individuals are denied education, healthcare services, and proper residence. Many of these children are orphans, while others are separated from their families and friends. Though this is unequivocally sad, many organizations like IndoRelief are working tirelessly to help these children. All of us are working to provide a better future for these children and to let them know that they have not been forgotten.
The inspiration for the New Beginnings Clinic arose from a conversation we had with one of our patients during his hospital visit. Shankar spoke of his experience working as a child laborer. He explained to us how he was sold when he was a small child by his parents. He spent the next several years cleaning and cooking for a family. After his contract finished, the family sponsored his education. He mentioned that other children are not so lucky. Through generous donations, hard work, and stacks of paperwork, IndoRelief leased a house to serve as the New Beginnings Clinic. Through this clinic we provide residence and health services to a select group of children.
STEP 1: IndoRelief seeks out sites where child laborers sleep and work. We provide them with information regarding our work and offer them free services via our healthcare partners. We explain the purpose of the New Beginnings Clinic and encourage them to contact us if they are interested.
STEP 2: Interested applicants reach out to us with the contact information we provide them. We schedule a meeting with them, where we learn about their families, histories, interests, and dreams. We seek to make sure that the applicants are serious about using the services and resources we provide to better their lives.
STEP 3: We vote as a committee whether to accept or deny the applicants. Though this is a very difficult process for us and the applicants, we have a responsibility to our donors to ensure that we only select highly motivated applicants. For those applicants we deny, we provide our other services and provide referrals to local clinics and camps where they may receive healthcare for free.
Our Facilities
Our Caretaker
Amma ji is the caretaker of the New Beginnings Clinic. She lives with the boys and watches over them. In addition to preparing meals and cleaning the orphanage, Amma ji serves as a mother for the children. She guides them, encourages them to think positively, and believe in themselves.
We selected Amma ji to serve as the caretaker after reviewing many applicants for the position. She recently lost her son in a tragic accident, and she explained to us her desire to help other children. We connected with her sincerity and her longing to help children who no longer have homes.
The boys have connected strongly with her. Instead of sleeping in their beds, they sleep with her. They call her "Amma ji" which is an affectionate term for mother. We call her Amma ji as well.
How can you help?
You can help by donating and sharing this webpage with family and friends. You can also like us on Facebook and Instagram, or follow our Twitter feed. To provide education, residence, and healthcare for each child costs $3 per day. By donating a small amount, you can truly make an impact on a child's life.
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