TREATMENT: Vaccinations for Hep B, DTaP, rotavirus, and polio. We scheduled an appointment for Raghav to have his vision examined.
UPDATE, 9/14/2015: Raghav saw one of our volunteer optometrists, who told us he has 20/50 vision in his right and left eyes. With the help of our donors, we ordered glasses for him. Though Raghav was nervous at first, he was excited about choosing the glasses frame. We explained to his parents what glasses are and how they would help him study better.
UPDATE, 10/8/2015: Raghav's glasses arrived. We gave it to him. At first he was surprised with his improved vision. He reported that his eyes hurt a bit with the glasses. We advised him to keep using the glasses. His parents understood.
UPDATE, 10/9/2015: Raghav's parents tell us that he is no longer feeling an ache in his eyes. He will use the glasses. They told us, "He feels cool with them." In case there are any complications, Raghav's parents have our contact information and can call us 24/7.