TREATMENT: Antibiotics for his molar infection

UPDATE, 9/27/2015: The antibiotics had no affect on Rishi's infection. The infection has worsened. Our physicians believe he needs to have both of the infected molars removed. We spoke with Rishi's parents, and they would like surgery.

UPDATE, 10/6/2015: Rishi had surgery, and both molars were removed successfully. We will provide all post-operative care as well, thanks to our donors. Our volunteer dentist will follow up with Rishi in 1-2 weeks for an in-person appointment. Meanwhile, Rishi's parents have been instructed regarding his recovery process, as well as the pain he might feel for a bit and the foods he can eat. They have our contact information, and the information of our dentist, so that they can ask us any questions. They have been told that we are here 24/7 for them and Rishi.