This is Eta. She had tuberculosis last year and was treated for 9 months. A chest x-ray and sputum culture confirmed that she has tuberculosis again.

Meet Devkumar. He is 61 years old. He has had tuberculosis twice before.

Meet Anaan. He has two sons and one daughter. His wife passed away due to untreated tuberculosis four years ago.
This is Nayan. He was tested for tuberculosis, and the results were negative.

Meet Phanindra. He is 28 years old. A chest x-ray helped confirm that he has tuberculosis.

This is Anil. He is 24 years old. A rapid sputum test confirmed that he has tuberculosis.

This is Kirti. She is 78 years old and has lived in the same slum her entire life.

This is Phalak. He is 17 years old and works illegally as a laborer. He sleeps outside and has had night sweats, coughing, and a high grade fever.

Meet Omarjeet. His test results were negative for tuberculosis.

Meet Manish. He is 24 years old. He has had a high grade fever for the past two weeks. He says he frequently coughs up mucus. A chest x-ray helped confirm that he has tuberculosis.

Jogesh is 8 years old. He has had an ear infection for over one ear in his right year. He has started to lose hearing in his right ear. We hope to start him on antibiotics to eliminate the infection. He loves playing cricket and hopes to become a professional cricket player when he grows up.

Meet Lathika. She is 64 years old. She has cataracts in both eyes. Surgery will prevent her from going blind. Her favorite hobby is drawing.

This is Hari. He is one of the most beloved individuals in his slum due to his story telling abilities. The children especially love him. He has a mass that has been growing steadily in his rectum. He says that some days the pain is so great that he cannot leave his bed. He requires surgery.

Meet Zoya. Prior to our general health check up camp, she had never met with a physician.

Meet Jasmine, an exceptionally bright 8 year old. Her teachers tell us she solves math problems very quickly and helps the other students in her class. This is her first visit with a physician.

Meet Arnav, a 5 year old boy. This is his first visit with a physician. He particularly enjoyed using a stethoscope to hear his own heartbeat.

Meet Dharna, an 8 year old girl. She suffers from malnutrition. Her mother wants her to be a doctor when she grows up.

Meet Tushar, an 8 year old boy who wants to be a scientist when he grows up. He suffers from malnutrition.

Meet Pranay. He is 13 years old. He is in overall good health for his age.

This is Neerav. He wants to learn to play a musical instrument, but is unsure which one. We told him we will take him to a musical store to select an instrument. He received a general health check up.

This is Zara. She is 12 years old. She is worried about her monthly abdominal cramps. Our physician explained to her why they occur.

Meet Shlok. He is 9 years old. He has crooked teeth and is ashamed of them. We told him and his parents we will arrange a dentist and purchase braces for him.
Meet Kanjri. She is 37 years old. She has 4 daughters. She has had persistent nights sweats over the past two weeks, along with violent coughing spasms.

This is Hirendra. He is 67 years old. He has had tuberculosis once before. He was treated for it and cured of it. We performed a sputum culture and the results were positive for tuberculosis one week later.

This is Jagajeet. He is 31 years old. He was evaluated for tuberculosis and the results were negative.

This is Digant. He is 54 years old. He has been unable to sleep for the past four days due to violent coughing spasms.

This is Madhur. She is 21 years old. She was evaluated for tuberculosis; however, her results came back negative. She requires treatment for the flu.

Meet Datta. He is 41 years old. His son had tuberculosis last year and was treated at the hospital where many of our volunteer doctors work.

Meet Hemadri. He is 47 years old. A rapid sputum test was negative for tuberculosis. He requires medication for the flu.

Meet Marsha. She is 55 years old. Her family has lived in the same slum for three generations.

Meet Anshuk. He is 43 years old. This is his second time being diagnosed with tuberculosis.

Malti is 72 years old. She lives with her sister Kamili, who is 68 years old. Malti suffers from osteoarthritis. The pain in her right knee prevents her from walking. We would like to sponsor a total knee replacement for Malti. With this surgery, she will regain mobility and lead a higher quality of life.

Chitra is 2 years old. She has been having a fever for the past two weeks. She has also been unable to sleep at night. Her parents are very worried. Our physicians suspect she has the flu, but she requires further testing.

This is Rua. She 46 years old. She has been having severe abdominal pain. She requires blood tests and a CT scan.

Muhammad has severe coughing fits and experiences shortness of breath. He was evaluated for asthma during one of our general health checkup camps.

This is Riya. She is 10 years old and suffers from malnutrition. Her joints often ache, and she has broken several bones in the past few years.

Meet Pari. Her mother was a member of our prenatal camp a few years ago. At the time, her mother was pregnant with Pari's little brother.

Meet Dev. He is 11 years old. He fell a few days ago and has been unable to rotate his wrist. He says his fingers also feel tingly.

Meet Rachit, a 13 year old boy. This is his second visit with one of our physicians. His vision has worsened since his last visit with us.

This is Myra. She suffers from shortness of breath occasionally. Her older brother was recently diagnosed with asthma.

Meet Aalia. She is 11 years old. She is in overall good health for her age.

This is Ojas. He is 10 years old and suffers from malnutrition.

Meet Yakshit. He is 8 years old. He has low bone density and gets sick often. He needs nutritional supplements.

This is Jayesh. He is 14 years old. He has coughing spasms that leave him feeling breathless.

Rana was evaluated for tuberculosis; however, her chest x-ray was negative.

Meet Nirajit. He is 40 years old. He has been having a violent cough for the past several days. He says that he cannot sleep due to night sweats, and a high grade fever.

Meet Eila. She is 29 years old. Her younger sister died from untreated tuberculosis two years ago.

Meet Hasan. He is 37 years old. He has had frequent night sweats over the past several weeks. He has also been experiencing fatigue and a cough. A rapid sputum test confirmed that he has tuberculosis.

This is Oni. He is 60 years old.

This is Guanita. She is 25 years old. Her test results came back negative for tuberculosis. She requires medication for the flu.

Meet Nilesh. He is 29 years old. He was tested for tuberculosis and the results were positive.

Meet Janesh. He says that he coughs up so much sputum that he has trouble breathing. He lives with his wife and 5 children. He and his wife's entire families live in the same slum.

This is Eisha. She is 76 years old. She has had persistent night sweats over the past two weeks.

Sumitra has lived in the same slum for her entire life. Her daughters also live in the slum. She is very proud of them because they learned to read at a young age and are teaching their children to read. Sumitra hopes her grandchildren will become doctors. Sumitra has a cataract in her left eye. We hope to sponsor a surgery to remove the lens of the eye and replace it with a healthy one.

Meet Chahat. He is 46 years old and works as a laborer. For the past several months he has had severe groin pain. This has made it difficult for him to work. He came to one of our general check up camps. Our providers discovered a mass below his pelvis. Removal of the mass will most likely alleviate his pain.

Lakshmi is 6 years old. Prior to one of our general health camps, she had never seen a pediatrician. We would like to provide her with vaccinations for MMR, polio, tetanus, and varicella.

Meet Arjun. He is 12 years old. He has coughing spells that leave him short of breath. He was evaluated for asthma.

This is Advik. He says things far away appear blurry. He has to sit in the front of the class in order to see the chalkboard. He will be the first person in his family to receive prescription glasses.

This is Bhavin. He is 12 years old and suffers from malnutrition.

This is Shruti. She is 6 years old.

This is Sahil. He has two younger sisters and one older brother.

This is Raj. He is known for being the prankster of the class. He tells us that he wants to be a famous actor when he grows up. He is 8 years old and suffers from malnutrition.

This is Hiran, and he suffers from dry eyes. He works with his father as a laborer before and after school. He has one older brother, who also works with them.

This is Hansh, a 9 year old boy. He suffers from malnutrition.

This is Ira. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

Meet Nisha. She has been having right ear pain. Thick discharge leaks from her ear.