We connect with our medical partners to find patients who need help. Your donations provide life-saving operations and medicines

Malti is 72 years old. She lives with her sister Kamili, who is 68 years old. Malti suffers from osteoarthritis. The pain in her right knee prevents her from walking. We would like to sponsor a total knee replacement for Malti. With this surgery, she will regain mobility and lead a higher quality of life.

Minati is 7 years old and suffers from acute malnutrition. We would like to provide Malti and her family with nutritional supplements.

This is Rua. She 46 years old. She has been having severe abdominal pain. She requires blood tests and a CT scan.

Meet Ubika, who is 5 years old. We would like to provide her with vaccinations for MMR, polio, tetanus, and varicella.

Meet Deeptha, a 6 year old girl with an infectious personality. Prior to our health camps, she had never seen a physician. We would like to provide her with vaccinations for MMR, polio, tetanus, and varicella.
Ankush is a 1 year old boy who suffers from spina bifida, a condition that results from vitamin D and folic acid deficiency during the mother's pregnancy. He lives in the Sector 42 slum of Faridabad with his mother, his two sisters, and his father, who is a rickshaw puller.

Sumitra has lived in the same slum for her entire life. Her daughters also live in the slum. She is very proud of them because they learned to read at a young age and are teaching their children to read. Sumitra hopes her grandchildren will become doctors. Sumitra has a cataract in her left eye. We hope to sponsor a surgery to remove the lens of the eye and replace it with a healthy one.

Meet Chahat. He is 46 years old and works as a laborer. For the past several months he has had severe groin pain. This has made it difficult for him to work. He came to one of our general check up camps. Our providers discovered a mass below his pelvis. Removal of the mass will most likely alleviate his pain.

Lakshmi is 6 years old. Prior to one of our general health camps, she had never seen a pediatrician. We would like to provide her with vaccinations for MMR, polio, tetanus, and varicella.

Shri is 7 years old and suffers from malnutrition. As a result his immune system is weak, and he gets sick very often. His parents are very worried because last time he was ill he was hallucinating. Shri and his parents require nutritional supplements and health education.

This is Shamindra. He is 8 years old. When he was 5 years old, he developed a severe infection in his right leg that left it stiff. Because of this, Shamindra cannot run or play with his friends. Surgery will release adhesions in his right quadriceps and make it easier for him to bend his leg.
Sahil is 3 years old and suffers from a hernia. Due to the lack of vitamins in his diet, his small intestine has descended into his groin, causing severe swelling of his scrotal sack as well as pain. Sahil's father is a laborer who is currently unemployed.

Jogesh is 8 years old. He has had an ear infection for over one ear in his right year. He has started to lose hearing in his right ear. We hope to start him on antibiotics to eliminate the infection. He loves playing cricket and hopes to become a professional cricket player when he grows up.

Meet Lathika. She is 64 years old. She has cataracts in both eyes. Surgery will prevent her from going blind. Her favorite hobby is drawing.

This is Hari. He is one of the most beloved individuals in his slum due to his story telling abilities. The children especially love him. He has a mass that has been growing steadily in his rectum. He says that some days the pain is so great that he cannot leave his bed. He requires surgery.

Sadar is 4 years old and suffers from spina bifida, a congenital disorder in which his spinal cord did not properly fuse when he was a fetus. As a result, he has difficulty walking and is at risk for infection. Surgery will fix his spinal cord and allow him to lead a healthy life.

Meet Yahvi. She is 61 years old and has cervical cancer. With $815, Yahvi will receive surgery and post-operative care.
Hazari (left) is 70 years old and has pulmonary tuberculosis, which results in violent coughing spasms and fevers. Dr. Prabhat (right) diagnosed Hazari with the help of an x-ray that was paid for by one our donors.
Ravi is 6 years old and has an infection in the right lobe of his lung. His favorite sport is cricket and hopes to be a professional cricket player when he grows up.

This is Rajui. She has been diagnosed with Pulmonary Koch's disease. She is 40 years old and housewife. Her oldest son is studying to become a lawyer.

Roshni has a urinary tract infection. Her husband is a laborer who works in Southern India, where he can find more work. She receives the money he sends and tells us she misses him very much.

Sarif has a lymph node enlargement. In order to diagnose him properly more tests need to be performed. He works as a sweeper and is 23 years old.
Dr. Kapoor, an optometrist, sees Sanjay (left). Sanjay has an infection in his left eye.

Janu is 51 years old and has cataracts in both eyes. He has had cataracts for over one year and has lost vision in his left eye.

Ravi has limited hearing in his left ear due to an ear infection he has had for over 4 years.

Baahir (left) and Badal (right) are twins. Badal had part of his left ear removed due to an ear infection. However, his family can no longer afford pain medication. Baahir is healthy and very attached to Badal. Baahir wanted to be seen by Dr. Prabhat alongside his brother.

Basily (left) has hypertension. Though she suspects she has a family history of high blood pressure, she is the first in her family to be diagnosed. She needs medication.

Sarif is 50 years old and has had a urinary tract infection for the past 4 months. She is a housewife and loves old Indian movies.

Resham is 62 years old and has been having violent coughing spasms. She has an upper respiratory infection and requires antibiotics. She loves to sow and made the dress that she is wearing in this picture.

Meet Vidye. She is 30 years old and is 2 months pregnant. She is scared because her sister's baby recently passed away from birthing complications. She requires prenatal vitamins.

This is Rehubec. She is 23 years old. Her left index and middle fingers were amputated a few years ago because of tissue death. When we checked her blood sugar, it was three times the normal range. We diagnosed her with Type I Diabetes. If she was diagnosed sooner, her fingers may have been saved.

Rajwata is 27 years old. She is in her 8th month of pregnancy. She was also in a car accident a little over one year ago. Since then she has had severe lower back pain and difficulty walking. Physical therapy and medication will greatly help her.

This is Krishne. She is 60 years old. She has been having migraines and flu-like symptoms for the past 2 weeks.

Yasmin is 62 years old and has a urinary tract infection.

Sumitra is 76 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago. However, she was never given medication. Her left foot is infected and requires antibiotics to prevent amputation. She also has very high blood pressure.

Ram is 80 years old and has an enlarged prostate. He has frequent pain and trouble going to the bathroom. He loves talking about his oldest son, who is a lawyer in London.

Kushal is 36 years old and suffers from an upper respiratory infection. His coughing spasms are so bad he often does not sleep at night. He wife is pregnant with their first child--a girl. We had seen his wife a few weeks before and provided her with prenatal vitamins thanks to our donors.

Rajni is 60 years old and has a urinary tract infection.

Yasmeon is 91 years old and has high blood pressure. She has three older sisters--94 years old, 98 years old, and 101 years old. Both of their parents lived into their late 90s.

This is Om Parkash. He is 70 years old and has lower left leg pain. An x-ray revealed he has a benign tumor there. He requires surgery to have the tumor removed.

Santosh is 65 years old and has cataracts in both eyes and requires surgery. His wife recently passed away from a heart attack.

Meet Bahari. He served in the Indian army for over 20 years and speaks 9 different Indian dialects. He has pain in his right shoulder from an injury he sustained a few months ago. Pain medication will bring him pain relief.

Ram is 66 years old and has type II diabetes and asthma. We would like to provide him with an inhaler and medication.

This is Priyanka, and she does not know how old she is. She does not have a birth certificate. Her mother gave her up for adoption when she was born. Since she was a child she has been traveling with a gypsy group from place to place.

This Yash and he suffers from arthritis. Up until a few years ago he worked on a farm and helped pick fruit. Since his arthritis flared up, he has been unable to find a job.

Amit is 26 years old and is blind in his right eye.

Meet Ajay. He is 52 years old and lives in a nearby slum. He says that his granddaughter just gave birth to twins. He says that there is not enough room in their home, so he is spending a few nights outside until his granddaughter and the twins get settled.

This is Rishi. He wants to be an actor but works as a laborer currently. He hopes to go to Bollywood one day.

This is Raju, an 8 year old boy who works as a servant. He says the family teases him. Our conversation with Raju inspired us to start a clinic for children of child labor. We are currently working to open this.

Yakub is 76 years old and suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis. X-rays reveal abnormalities in the left lobe of his lung. He has been having night fevers for the past 3 months and coughing spasms for the past 1 month. He works as a tuk-tuk (an Indian taxi) driver.

Avtar's x-ray showed pulmonary effusion. Along with tuberculosis, Avtar has asthma. With the help of our donors, we provided an inhaler and medicine to help Avtar manage his asthma.

Manzi has tuberculosis. He is 60 years old. His oldest daughter recently got married.

Madan required eye surgery to fix the cataract in his right eye. Because of our donors, we sponsored the surgery. He is recovering nicely.

This Lal. He is 78 years old and requires surgery for the cataract in his left eye. His youngest daughter just gave birth to a healthy boy in February.

Meet Rajesh, a 75 year old rickshaw puller. He has cataracts in both eyes. His family has lived in the same slum for at least 4 generations.

We provided Ali with a medical check up, as he has never seen the doctor. He has an older brother who is in the Indian army.

This is Eesha. She is 7 years old and very light-hearted. She was jumping rope just before being seen by Dr. Prabhat. Of her four siblings, she is the only one to have seen a doctor.

Nilu missed her last few periods. We performed a few tests and confirmed that she is pregnant. She cried happily when we told her. She needs prenatal vitamins.

Meet Bharna, a store clerk. She has been having abdominal pain for the past few weeks. We diagnosed her with Dyssmenorrhea.

Deri is 30 years old and has the flu.

Sunila is 26 years old and is 6 months pregnant. She is holding her son Tahir.

This is Rajauma. She is 30 years old and has a stomach infection. She has had cough and fevers for the past three weeks.

This is Shama. She is 60 years old, has six children, and 24 grandchildren. She has been having fever and chills for the past two weeks. She was diagnosed with malaria.

Kusum has breast cancer. We sponsored a double mastectomy one month ago. Since then she has had chest pain. She requires more pain medication and a consultation with an oncologist.

Shakama is 72 years old and has terminal cervical cancer. We would like to provide her with medicine and pay for her hospital stay as she becomes more sick and bedbound.

Ashne has arthitris and cannot walk without assistance. We would like to purchase a wheelchair for her.

Meet Shanti. She is 70 years old and suffers from asthma and osteoporosis. An inhaler and medicine would help her manage her asthma.

This is Mohit. He has weakness in his left arm due to a stroke that went undiagnosed and untreated. Physical therapy will help him regain strength in his arm.

Sunila is 75 years old and is anemic. She has hypertension. She hopes to visit America soon.

Ramnichand has overall weakness and frequent bowel movements. He has been having night fevers. His son told us that he found Ramnichand passed out yesterday in his bedroom. Blood tests need to be done in order to properly diagnose him.

Shoba is 71 years old and recently had a stroke. As a result he has severe weakness in his lower limbs. We would like to purchase a wheelchair for him.

Shrada is 75 years old. Her feet are very swollen because she has chronic renal failure. We would like to sponsor a consultation with a nephrologist so that she may be treated properly.

This is Amar. We recently sponsored surgery to remove the cancerous tumor in his throat. He requires pain medication and consultation with an oncologist.

Mohinder is 7 years old and is homeless. We provided him with clothes and blankets via our clothing drive.

Meet Divya. She is 75 years old and travels in the same gypsy group as Priyanka.

Meet Tanya. She is smiling in this picture because she had been wanting another blanket for her son, who is 6 years old.

This is Mahesh and he is 29 years old. He drives a taxi but has not saved enough money to rent a place to stay. He says he does not want to live in a slum.

Meet Anish, a 41 year old laborer. He sleeps outside the construction site regularly.

This is Dhruv and he is 65 years old. The jacket he is wearing in this picture is his father's.

Raj is 23 years old. He looks after Raju.

Meet Bithu. He is 40 years old and experiences chronic pain in his lower spine. We diagnosed him with Pott's disease. His brother passed away from Hepatitis C one year ago.

Meet Deena. He is 40 years old and has tuberculosis. This is his third time being diagnosed with tuberculosis. The first two times he was given medicines for his cough and fever by another hospital in the community. Because the medicines did not treat the root of the problem, tuberculosis came back.

Ram is 79 years old and has a bilateral lung infection. He also has an abnormal growth on the side of his pelvis that requires a biopsy. He has been homeless for several years, living in huts on the side of the road he has made with branches and sheets.

We sponsored the surgery to fix the cataract in his right eye, but Bedi has cataracts in both eyes. He is 70 years old and works as a laborer.

Sanjay is 19 years old and works as a laborer. He fell off of the house he is helping to build and injured his spine. He requires an x-ray.

This is Hari. He is 10 years old and his favorite subject is math. He has had a stomach virus and fever for the past 2 weeks.

Sara is an especially bright 7 year old. She is the first in her family to go to school and is currently at the top of her class in language arts. She suffers from asthma.

Anile is 32 years old and suffers from severe joint pain and skin discoloration. This is due to vitamin deficiency. She loves talking about her two sons and two daughters.

Sariju (middle) is 23 years old and 6 months pregnant. This will be her first child. She requires prenatal vitamins.

This is Lalita. She has pain in her lower back that radiates to her shoulders. This results from vitamin deficiency.

Sumilar has an upper respiratory infection. She has chest pain, fever, and congestion. Her coughing spasms are so bad she has passed out during them. She is holding her son, Taj.

Neeraj is 40 years old and in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy. She needs prenatal vitamins.

Ajeeraw is 57 years old. She has been having severe back pain for the past 2 months. We sponsored an x-ray of her spine and diagnosed her with PIVD. Physicaly therapy and medication will treat her condition.

Meet Poonam. She is 18 years old and is the first woman in her family to go to college. She will be starting this fall. She has weakness in her legs and has diffciulty walking. We are not sure why. She requires a blood test and an x-ray for us to diagnose her properly.

Suman is 26 years old and has had a low grade fever for the past two months. In her lap, is Takshak. He is her sister's son. Her sister passed away from tuberculosis 6 months ago.

Bano suffers from asthma, breathlessness, and type II diabetes. She has never had an inhaler and was only given three months supply of diabetes medication several years ago.

This is Shri. He is 65 years old and has body aches. He has been having severe memory loss the last couple of months. Though this may be dementia, he needs an MRI of the brain to be properly diagnosed.

We sponsored Deepak's knee replacement surgery. However, he still requires physical therapy. He has lower back pain and a possible hernia. He is 63 years old and has been seen by a doctor only twice in his life.

Bali is 64 years old and has severe knee pain. Both of his knees are grossly deformed. Physical therapy and pain medication will help manage his condition.

Mohini has a fungal infection on her right big toe.

J.K. Jain is 63 years old. He has Parkinson's disease. He has frequent tremors and can no longer walk.

Kamili is 68 years old and suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. She has been managing her arthritis for over 12 years. She has been using a walker for the past 6 years. She frequently cannot sleep because of the pain. Pain medication will greatly benefit her.

Raj is 76 years old and suffers from severe depression and anxiety. We would like to have a psychiatrist visit with him twice a week.

This is Nirmal. He is 72 years old and has osteoporosis. Multivitamins and muscle and joint ointment will help him.

Meet Pranay. He is Mohinder's father. He was also part of our clothing drive.

This is Kumar. He says he is around 4o years old. He works as a laborer and sleeps outside the construction site.

Rahul is 38 years old. He moves from place to place. His last permanent home was destroyed by a typhoon.

Saju is 9 years old and is Amit's brother.

This is Ria and she is 40 years old. She did not know that organizations like IndoRelief existed. We told her about our other projects and encouraged her to come.

Meet Varsha. She is 7 years old and is Rishi's daughter.

Meet Nitin, an elderly man who has been homeless for most of his life. He says his parents were homeless and that their parents were also homeless.