Anit receives a mask and learns how to place it over his mouth and nose correctly.

Anit receives a mask and learns how to place it over his mouth and nose correctly.

It has been a trying year, and the situation in India is worsening. At IndoRelief, we have been working tirelessly to advocate for those who are suffering in the underserved areas of Faridabad and Delhi. Our physician and nurse volunteers have been transporting and providing medical care for those who are very ill. We have also been handing out food daily, as many individuals are too sick to work and purchase food. We are in the process of securing oxygen concentrators, which will help combat the severe oxygen therapy shortage.

We are launching the COVID-19 Initiative to continue and expand these efforts, and we need your help. 100% of the proceeds of this fundraising campaign will go toward funding medical care and oxygen therapy for those afflicted with COVID-19. IndoRelief is 100% a volunteer-run organization, and we depend on your donations to help fund our projects. 

Stay tuned for more details!
